How to Choose a Study for Your Life Group

    03.15.23 | Life Groups

    Questions to Ask When Choosing a Study

    Should we try the sermon discussion guide?
    Do we want to study a book of the Bible or look at a topic?
    Do we want homework?
    Do we want to read a book together or have a curriculum to follow with pre-written questions?
    If we’re studying a topic, what would be relevant for our stage of life right now?
    How long do we want the next study to be? (Keep in mind how frequently you meet.)

    Biblically Based

    Life Group Leaders, you are the “guardians of the gate” when it comes to leading your group in a study selection. There are tons of resources out there, and they all look good on the surface. Please be willing to look a little more in depth before making a decision. One of our key distinctives of LEFC Life Groups is “Biblically Based.” Your study, even if topical, should be based solidly on strong biblical teaching, not on someone’s opinion or “new” idea. If you ever have questions about a study option, please reach out to Jeff Travis.

    Ideas for Life Group Studies

    Click here to open a PDF with a list of Life Group study ideas, including books, video series, curriculum, discussion guides, and more! Also, be sure to check out the study resources available at LEFC's library! The library is open on Sunday mornings from 8:30am to 11:30am and on Wednesdays from 9am to 2pm.