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Baptism June 7 2020

Click HERE to watch the video of Hannah's testimony and baptism.

Hannah Keller

I began coming to LEFC about 3 years ago when I started dating my boyfriend, who is now my husband. He has been attending the church for many years and invited me to go along with him when we started dating and I have been going ever since then. My husband is also the reason that I came to Christ. While we were dating, he asked me if I was a Christian. My response was ‘yes’ but little did I know, there was a much bigger meaning to it than what I had thought. He asked me if I ever confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I was slightly confused about what he meant. He explained everything to me and encouraged me to give my life to Him. After a couple months of thinking about what he told me and after asking a few questions, I gave my life to Christ. Ever since then, I have seen Jesus work in my life in countless ways. If I have any worries or concerns in my life, I pray to Him.

My favorite verse is Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done”. I have learned so many wonderful things about God along the way so far and I know there is still so much to learn.

Today I have the honor to be baptized and I am so excited to continue my faith journey.

Baptism Jan. 27, 2019

The following testimony is from the baptism during church services on Jan. 27, 2019.

Hailey Heft

I am only 12 years old and I experienced things in my life that most 12-year old kids have not experienced. 

I don’t see my parents and I live with my Grandmother.

Before I moved in with my Grandmother, we would visit her and we would go to church and pray.  I always believed in Christ but every time I left Church, I felt like someone was hugging me.

I came closer and closer with Christ when I moved in with my Grandma and I had more opportunities to nurture my faith.  Going to church every Sunday and youth group help me to understand more about Christ.

I asked Jesus to live in my heart after a good lesson in Sunday School. 

A couple years ago I saw people get baptized at Lititz Springs Park and I knew I wanted to do that.

Today because of my commitment to live for Jesus, I am following through with his commandment to be baptized as an outer expression of my faith.
