Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has CROSSED OVER from death to life. - John 5:24
What is crossover student ministries?
Crossover Student Ministries is for 7th through 12th grade students. Our goal is to help students connect with God, with other students, and with committed leaders who are dedicated to equipping students to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe that disciple making and Oikos go hand in hand. We seek to provide opportunities for our students to love God, love people, live truth, and proclaim Jesus.
what are our values?
We accomplish our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ through these values: knowledge, affection, and obedience. We desire for our students to grow in their...
- Knowledge of the Lord through teaching, discussion, and studying the scriptures
- Affections in the Lord through worship, prayer, and community
- Obedience to the Lord through outreach, service, and community
What do we do?
Crossover Student Ministries at LEFC is for middle and high school students. We meet on Sunday mornings and evenings and hold various other events, camps, and service opportunities throughout the year.
Life Groups are also a big part of what we do. A Life Group is a group of 10 to 15 students of the same gender and grade that seek to engage in biblical community together. Each Crossover Life Group consists of at least 2 committed leaders.
Read below for more information about our Middle School and High School programs!
Middle School Crossover
Our middle school program is for 7th and 8th grade students. Read below to learn more about our Sunday morning and evening activities. You can also reach out to our Assistant Director of Student Ministries Caleb Roberts for more information.
Sunday Morning: 7th and 8th graders are invited to join us on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:15 am in the Lower Level for a time of teaching and personal study in God's word.
Sunday Evening: The first Sunday of the month we meet at the church with High School for a night of community and fun! The rest of the month we meet at the church from 6:30-8:30 pm for a time of fun and Life Groups.
High School Crossover
The high school program is designed for 9th through 12th grade students. Read below to learn more about our Sunday morning and evening activities or reach out to our Pastor to Students Nick Vargas for more information.
Sunday Morning: 9th through 12th grade students are invited to join us Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:15 am in the Crossover Room for a time of teaching and interactive table discussion.
Sunday Evening: On most Sunday evenings throughout the school year, we meet at the church from 6:30-8:30PM for a time of fun and teaching. On the last Sunday of the month, we meet in homes around Lititz for a night of community with our Life Groups!
summer camps!
Crossover Events
Check out what we have going on this year! Unless otherwise noted, events are for both Middle School and High School students. MS Only indicates the event is only for Middle School, and HS Only indicates events for High School only.
2025 Special Events and Trips
February 2 | Oikos Event, 6:30-8:30PM
February 28 to March 2 | Winter Blast Camp
April 6 | Oikos Event, 6:30-8:30PM
June 8 | Summer Kick-off Party, 6:30-8:30PM
June 16 to 21 | The Summit: Middle School Camp (MS only)
July 7 to 12 | Beach Camp (HS only)
stay connected
Stay in the loop with all Crossover activities by joining our email list. Email Jess at to be added to the list!
Serve with us!
Want to be part of the Crossover Team? We are looking for volunteers to join our team, serving as leaders and partnering with parents to invest in the lives of our teens at LEFC. Click here to fill out a leader application! Contact Caleb Roberts with questions.