2024 ABF Electives

During the summer months, our regular Adult Bible Fellowships take a break while we offer a series of elective classes. We hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to hear some new teachers, meet some new folks, and explore some new topics! We know summer is busy, so we understand if you can't attend every session - just come when you can! No registration required!

Scroll down for descriptions of our classes!

session 1: July 7-28

first service (9:00 am)

THE WORLD NEXT DOOR: Witnessing to Neighbors with Non-Christian World Views
Room A4 | Dave Cox

Join us for an opportunity to learn the basics about major world religions so that you can share the Gospel with understanding and sensitivity. We’ll cover Buddhism, Folk Religion, Islam, and Hinduism.

Teacher Bio: Dave grew up in a Mien tribal village in the jungles of North Thailand. He and his wife Chris lived and ministered in deeply Buddhist Central Thailand. Dave has also lived briefly in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. He is an elder of LEFC and works as a truck driver. 

Room A3 | 
Gary Poorman

Heavenly housing doesn’t occur without an earthly exit. No one disputes thisHowever, since life ends with predictable regularity, “how” we die or leave this world mattersWe can prepare for it, or, like most folk, shove it asideIn this elective, we’re going to dive into the former, because no one wants a bad exit! 

Teacher Bio: Gary Poorman recently moved to Pennsylvania from Connecticut after 39 years of pastoral ministry, 14 of which were in Maine. Gary also served as a volunteer Police Chaplain for 20 years in Connecticut. Gary is LEFC’s new Care Coordinator, a ministry he feels privileged to serve in and really enjoys.

second service (10:50 am)

Room A3 | Matt Sowada and Phil True

God has gifted us with His presence, and we have the opportunity to intentionally cultivate space to hear form God, grow in faith, and form good habits that lead to a meaningful life. Join us as we create a conversation around several simple habits that will encourage us to move towards our Heavenly Father. 

Teacher Bios: Matt Sowada has been one of the pastors at LEFC since 2012. He’s taught in a variety of settings and is excited to see the transformation that only happens through Christ, His Word, and His Spirit. It’s a blessing to be an instrument in the hands of a great redeemer! 

Phil and his wife Lisa have been at LEFC for 12 years. They have found lots of life in their Roots ABF, Life Groups, and seeing what God is doing around the world through LEFC's Global Partners. Phil serves as an LEFC Elder and finds great joy in sharing life with others as we seek Christ. 

Room A4 | Corey Mitchell

This series will be a group study of portions of John's gospel. We will look at the structure of the book, some biblical and historical context, and the final week of Jesus' ministry. Key chapters will include John 1, John 4, John 7, and John 12-13.

Teacher Bio: Corey is married to Sue and they have 3 daughters. He started at LEFC in 1996 and has served in various capacities including LEFC Elder, teacher, and part of the pastoral staff. Over the years he has taught several hundred times, a few of which have been from the pulpit. Corey loves studying the Scriptures together in a classroom context. 

session 2: august 4-25

first service (9:00 am)

BLESS: Five Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World
Room A4 | Vanisa Weist

Based on the book by Dave and Jon Ferguson, BLESS is a new approach to evangelism. It’s less about downloading information, memorizing scripts, or handing out pamphlets and more about loving our neighbors well. It helps us get “unstuck” and practice evangelism more effortlessly. This class will summarize five simple missional practices (Begin with prayer, Listen with care, Eat together, Serve in love, and Share the story) to equip you to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and engage in the mission of Jesus every day, all while inviting your Oikos to do the same. 

Teacher Bio: Vanisa is the chair of the Deaconess Board at LEFC. She and her husband Tim began attending LEFC in 2002, the same year they were married, and became members in 2004. They have two young adult children. 

Room A3

Come learn about LEFC’s global impact for Christ! Each Sunday, global partners of LEFC will introduce you to a new country, share what God is doing in that country and how you can better partner with them in their ministry for Christ. 

August 4: Nathan and Charity Englehardt will share about Siberia.
August 11: 
LEFC's partnership with a global soccer ministry.
August 18: LEFC’s Crossover team to Thailand will share about their recent trip.
August 25: Daniel and Hannah
Geesey will share about Southeast Asia.

second service (10:50 am)

THE WORLD NEXT DOOR: Witnessing to Neighbors with Non-Christian World Views
Room A4 | Dave Cox

Join us for an opportunity to learn the basics about major world religions so that you can share the Gospel with understanding and sensitivity. We’ll cover Buddhism, Folk Religion, Islam, and Hinduism.

Teacher Bio: Dave grew up in a Mien tribal village in the jungles of North Thailand. He and his wife Chris lived and ministered in deeply Buddhist Central Thailand. Dave has also lived briefly in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. He is an elder of LEFC and works as a truck driver. 

Room A3 | Matt Hess and Zak Lutz

The Bible has a lot to say about money. But what does it really mean for me? Join us for a four-week exploration of this question and more! Together we’ll see what the Bible says about money (stewardship, generosity, and investing) as we work to establish a biblical framework that can help us make sense of our financial lives! 

Teacher Bios: Matt Hess and Zak Lutz are partners at LifeGuide Financial Advisors in Mechanicsburg, PA, dedicated to helping families make an eternal impact with their finances.