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"Holy Regret vs. Destructive Sorrow" by Pastor Tony

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Group Discussion Guide


Below the Surface Sermon Series
Holy Regret vs. Destructive Sorrow by Pastor Tony
Choose the best question(s) for your group

March 11, 2018
Questions by Pastor Ric

Below are some discussion questions relating to a recent sermon. These are provided so that your Life Group can discuss what was shared. Previous Weeks’ Discussion Guides and Sermon Notes are available through the Sermons under the Resources menu. Click on the sermon series and then the sermon you are interested in.  You will see a paper icon under the sermon title. Click the icon to open the sermon notes. To listen to the sermon click on the speaker icon. 

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 7:2-12 

  1. Who do you have in your life who can call you into account? What is it about a relationship that enables this level of honesty? Is your Life Group the kind of safe place where this can happen?

  2. James 5:19 puts this discussion into a specific context. Helping someone avoid or stop sinning is huge. However, we must exercise great care to not confront someone else over anything but biblical standards. How do we discern between biblical and cultural views to be certain we are staying biblical when we confront another believer?

  3. For the believer, resolving relational conflict is very different than it is for those who do not believe. How, specifically, can believers demonstrate this difference in their Oikos? Do you have an example to share?

  4. I must be convinced that you deeply love me and/or have my best interests at heart before I will seriously consider your complaint about me. I don’t think this is unusual, so how can I be sure my motive is pure when I confront a fellow believer?
Posted by Ric Joline with