We believe in the power of prayer and that prayer is important to the life of the Church and the individual believer.
General Prayer Chain
If you have an urgent need for prayer in an area of physical crisis involving sickness, injury, or surgery that you would like placed on our church email prayer chain, please call the church office at (717) 626-5332 or use this form. Items for prayer can only be placed on the prayer chain by the individual or family involved in a given situation, and the request must pertain to an LEFC attender or their immediate family members.
If you would like to be added as a recipient of the prayer chain emails, please contact the church office or sign up here and you will be added to the distribution list.
sunday morning prayer
We are looking for prayer warriors to lift up the ministries of LEFC! Join us before services for a time of prayer in Room A5 every Sunday at 8 AM. All are welcome!
Communication Cards
Every Sunday you have the opportunity to share a prayer concern using the communication card found by the entrances to the auditorium. The elders and staff pray over these concerns throughout the week.
Prayer for the Persecuted CHURCH
If you are interested in praying for those around the world who are facing persecution for their faith, please join us on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 12:15pm in the Crossover Loft for a time of prayer.
Adult Bible Fellowships and LIFE Groups
The primary place for praying together for one another and for the issues of life happens in smaller communities. Click here for information about groups at LEFC.