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Bona Fide

Feb 07, 2021 | Nicholas Todd

Achy Breaky Heart


Matthew 4:1-11
Psalm 36:6
Psalm 89:14
Psalm 111:3
Matthew 5:20
Matthew 6:23
Genesis 2:7
Genesis 2:18-22
Genesis 2:25
Genesis 3:1-8
Matthew 7:21-23

4 Things to Reflect Upon In Light of Matthew 5:6

  1. When in your regular rhythms are you most aware of God’s right-relationship commitment to you?
  2. What longings do you have that only God can fill?
  3. Is there a recurring, damaging, pattern of behavior between you and another person or group of people? How does that reduce you and them to less than God’s created ones?
  4. What role might reconciliation play in the pursuit of righteousness?

Series Information

No one wants to be accused or found to be an impostor, especially by God himself.  Jesus takes on false faith head on as he is building a Kingdom of Bona Fide believers who will follow him to the end and beyond.