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A Praying Church

Sep 22, 2024 | Tony Hunt

Becoming a person of prayer.


Prayer is a continual journey, because it is a relationship to constantly nurture. 

Review: We began this series with God’s invitation to us to come to him and then last week to identify hesitancies that keep us from praying with freedom.

Today: Inspiration to become a person of prayer.


Relational challenges provide the most opportunity for prayerDaniel 6:1-5

  • Daniel’s high level of performance as an administrator threatened the career plans of his peers. (3-4a)

  • Daniel’s principles by which he lived and led were above approach. (4b)
    • No corruption- no illegal, “under the table”, or hidden practices.
    • Trustworthy- high integrity, truthful, submissive.
    • Not negligent- worked hard, attentive to details, responsible.
  • Victim of malicious intent.

  • Known for utmost loyalty to God. (5)
    • Vulnerability was not Daniel but the King.

Moments of crisis are best met with a foundation of Godly dependence.
Daniel 6:6-10

  • Daniel maintained his pattern of prayerful dependence. (10)
    • 3x a day
  • Daniel’s continued his posture of praying on his knees facing towards Jerusalem with the windows opened.

  • He continued to thank God even when faced with a dilemma.
    • He was loyal to the king but chose his greater allegiance to God.
    • His heart was immersed in gratefulness.

Prayerful dependence highlights the power of God.  Daniel 6:11-16

  • God’s reputation will be established in a pagan kingdom. (16) 1 Peter 2:12

  • God as true God will be revealed.

  • If Daniel was not so prayerfully dependent, it would have been just another story buried in the archives.

God’s purpose was to bring about a change of heart in the King. 
Daniel 6:17-28

  • This gave favorable care over Daniel and ultimately Israel.

  • Most importantly, the King declared God as the Living God sovereign over all kingdoms who has the power to save.  

Daniel’s prayer life reveals five things about prayer:

  1. Patterns matter. Keeps your heart in the right place and stable when storms come.

Jesus’ pattern was of retreat before/after big moments.

Jesus also got up early to pray. Mark 1:35

David’s greatest inspirations came at night. Psalm 8:3

  1. Posture in prayer conveys intent and strengthens our focus.

Lifting hands in prayer. 1 Timothy 2:8

Being loud in prayer by clapping and shouting. Psalm 47:1

Stand in prayer. Mark 11:25

Singing new songs in prayer. Psalm 96:1

Making music in prayer. Psalm 98:5

  1. Petitions become secondary to the relationship and are greatly informed once prayed.

Ask and keep on asking. God knows just the right way to respond. Matthew 7:7-12

  1. Power is made perfect in our precarious moments, because it highlights God’s work.

Prayer of a righteous person is powerful. James 5:16

Small faith can accomplish great things. Matthew 17:20

Prayer will take authority over the strongest of demons. Mark 9:29

5. Purposes of God are layered as He responds to our prayers.

  • Paul’s challenges served the purpose of showing God’s power.

2 Corinthians 12:7-9

  • Moses talking with God revealed that God’s purpose was to leverage the weakness of Moses to display God’s power. Exodus 9:16
  • Our plans must yield to His purposes. Proverbs 19:21
  • God’s work among us today is to work out His purposes for our greater good.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Becoming a person of prayer is a journey

  • It reflects the building of a relationship between us and God.

  • Our confidence to pray big and find peace with God’s response will become stronger than our hesitancy.
  • If becoming a person of prayer becomes a movement among us, then we will become a praying church. Example: Daniel to Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego. To Israel to remain hopeful and dependent upon God.

Prayer Time:

Lord, how can I improve in my relationship with you?

 Are there patterns I should consider for raising my baseline in prayer?

I yield to your purposes but help me to see your power working in and through my life.

Series Information

It is one thing to be a church that prays.  It is another to be a church known for being a praying church—a collection of prayerful people.  We begin the journey of prayerful dependence individually, but it becomes a movement when prayerful people permeate the church.  Acts 4:31 “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."