Divine Anger Management
Ephesians 4:26“In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger.”
Proverbs 27:4“Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming…”
Proverbs 29:11“A fool gives full vent to their [anger] rage…”
Galatians 5:19-21the fruit of the flesh is “hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, dissension, and factions.”
Nahum 1:3“The Lord is slow to anger and great in power.”
Biblical observations concerning anger.
- Anger is not forbidden
- Mentioned 262x in Scripture.
- Anger can be relationally destructive.
- Anger can be internally destructive.
- Anger is not to be the source of our actions.
Jesus’ anger on display. Luke 19:45-46: Matthew 21:12-16; Mark 11:11-18
- He “drove away” the money changers.
- He would not let them return. Mark 11:16
- Compared them to a house of thieves.
What made Jesus so angry?
- They were making a mockery of God’s Name.
- So, it got personal for Jesus as a son to the Father.
2 Chronicles 7:16“I have chosen this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and heart will always be there.”
- It was to be house of prayer, but instead it was a money-making scheme for the priests.
“Instead of praying for people, the priests were preying on people.”Wiersbe
- The testimony of God was distorted before the people of the world.
- This part of the temple was meant to be the Court of the Gentiles as their place to encounter and worship God.
- It was to be the most effective place for evangelizing the gentile.
Jesus’ management of anger. Luke 19:47-48; Matthew 21:14-16
- He went back daily to teach. (47)
- He didn’t just cleanse the temple of this evil, he replaced it with good.
- He provided the solution.
- He healed people. 21:14
- Began reaching the next generation. 21:15-16
- His healing and teaching moved the hearts of the young.
Divine pattern for anger management.
- Anger is directed at the right things.
- Actions are to be constructive not destructive.
- Anger is not a place to dwell, but rather it is to give way to God’s direction.
Series Information
Life gives us so many unexpected challenges. This series is taking a look at Jesus' life and taking notes for how to live and navigate life as he has best designed!