Do dreams come true?
“The place where dreams come true.” Disneyland or Disneyworld.
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney
“Don’t give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you.” John Wooden
“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweet determination and hard work.” Collin Powell
“I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
“In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” –God Acts 2:17
Do dreams play a role in truth? Do they come from God?
Joseph- The 11th son.
Read Genesis 37:1-11
God will use dreams to reveal and verify His sovereign plan.
Dream 1
- Eleven sheaves (brothers) bowing down to one sheaf (Joseph) He told his brothers. (5-8)
Dream 2
- Sun (Isaac), Moon (Rachel), and eleven stars (brothers) bow to Joseph. He told his father and brothers. (9-11)
Interpreting dreams can only happen by the help of God. Genesis 40:1-8; 41:1-16
Dreams given by God are meant to connect us to what He is doing.
- To reveal what is happening is orchestrated by Him. (Sheaves, Sun, Moon, and Stars)
- To validate those who are hearing from Him. (Interpreting dreams)
- To prepare for what is happening. (Cows and heads of grain)
- To give a directive or where to go next. (The other Joseph)
- It is okay to marry Mary. Matthew 1:20
- Escape to Egypt. Matthew 2:13
- Return to Israel. Matthew 2:19
- Avoid Judea and settle in Nazareth of Galilee. Matthew 2:22
*Illustration: Going to West Shore.
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17
Dreams still have a place in God’s work within and through the church.
- Do only old men have dreams?
- Will only young men have visions?
- What is the difference between visions and dreams?
John Calvin even said that “Visions and dreams were ordinary ways God revealed himself to the prophets. Now, it is released more abundantly.”
Visions were primarily quick “passing scene before the mind”—awake or asleep. Barnes
*Illustration: My vision of burning pictures of classmates.
Dreams are often more detailed and happen while one sleeps.
*Illustration: The man in white.
The Spirit was to come and has come and been poured out “abundantly” upon all people regardless of age or gender. This is part of God’s validation and leadership of the church.
Warning: Not all dreams come from God and can become stumbling blocks.
Read: Jude 3-8
False leaders will slip into the church. (4)
- They pervert grace and make it a license to immorality. (4)
- Comparing it to Sodom and Gomorrah. (7)
- They deny the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. (4)
- Dreams will become their guide for forming a worldview. (8)
Three marks of a godless dreamer. Jude 8-10
- Little to no boundaries for their body.
- They have no regard for established authority.
- Anarchy becomes justifiable.
- They believe in individual authority.
- Careless approach to the spiritual realm. (9-10)
- They have no respect of Satan’s power.
- They mock and slander spiritual beings.
- Belittling of eternal judgment.
Three marks of a Godly dreamer. Genesis 39
- One whose body is under submission to the holiness of God.
- One who honors both heavenly and earthly authority. (9)
- One whose words and life are blessed by God. (2-3, 21-23)
Take aways:
- Hold all visions, dreams, and prophecies accountable to the Word of God.
- Seek interpretation from those who are humble and committed to the Word of God and have a spirit of respect towards authority.
- Be careful to not come under authority of one who is not accountable.
- Be faithful to God’s leading.
Series Information

It is not likely you can start a book in the very middle of it and be able to understand what is going on. In the same way, understanding Jesus without having the context of Genesis would be difficult as well. In a society that has little to no biblical context, we need to be able to convey the beginning of the Bible in a manner that would explain why we need Jesus. This series will reconnect us with our origins, so that we can understand and communicate how Jesus can change someones life.