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A Praying Church

Sep 15, 2024 | Tony Hunt

Hesitancy to honesty in prayer.


What if right now I asked you to come up to pray to lead us into this sermon?  What feelings or thoughts would you immediately experience?

What if it is simply a request to pray with or for a friend?

What insecurities do you feel regarding your prayers and prayer life?

Why do you struggle with prayer insecurity?  Comparisons, inexperience, not knowing what to pray, doubt, and fear. 

Prayer Conundrums

Praying publicly is discouraged yet modeled—purpose matters. Matthew 6:5-8                              

  • The concern is to pray to be seen by others to receive their admiration or to impress. (5b)
    • Paul shares his prayers with the churches publicly for their encouragement.
    • We are called to pray for and with one another. James 5:14-15
    • Jesus prayed on the cross for all to hear. “Father forgive them.”  “Why have you forsaken me?” 
      • Both prayers reveal his heart. One for mercy the other for longing of fellowship with the Father. 
  • Public prayer is for the betterment of those who hear what you are saying to God.
    • Much like it is healthy for our children to hear us as parents processing important things.
    • Giving strength and courage is a big part of public prayer.

Praying continually is encouraged but not the use of many words to impress God.  Matthew 6:7 

“Believing for it” can lead to effective prayer but does not dictate God’s actions. 

  • Even just a little belief accomplish much.

  • Praying with such belief that you have already received it is praised with promise. Mark 11:24
  • Our petitions to God are to be built on belief to have confidence to have the Lord grant our request. James 1:5-7
    • We should not “expect” God to give us what we have asked if we don’t believe. Yet God often does by His mercy and grace!
  • Praying with full belief is still under submission to the will of God. 2 Corinthians 12:7-9
    • The thorn was fulfilling a purpose God wanted to accomplish in Paul’s life.
    • Belief was intact, but understanding came in time as to why God did not grant the request.

Sin and doubt are barriers to effective prayer, but also do not necessarily dictate God’s actions. 

  • Sin can impede prayerful pleas. James 5:16
    • The pattern of God is to operate mercifully and graciously. Romans 5:8
    • Sin and unconfessed is likely a constant for most believers.
      • Paul knew a clear conscience did not make one innocent. 1 Corinthians 4:4
      • John highlighted that sin would continue to be a battle for all believers. 1 John 1:8
    • Doubt robs us for sure of many amazing things in our journey with God. James 1:6-8
      • The more doubt we carry the more unstable we are in our faith.
      • God is merciful to the doubter. Jude 22
      • Jesus helped Thomas at his deep struggle with doubt. John 20:27
      • I believe but help my unbelief. Mark 9:23-24

God cares more about the heart behind the words than the words themselves.   

Faith moves the heart of God and will bring about peace in our journey of praying to Him. 

  • Faith that is submissive to God is most pure. Matthew 8:5-13
    • Just knowing what He can do and knowing the likely barriers shows humility.
    • Jesus was so pleased and praised the Gentile’s faith.
  • Faith can move mountains, but is it motivated by love? 
    • God calls our faith fruitless if it is not motivated by love. 1 Corinthians 13:2
    • Prayer filled with belief (faith) is not well received if unforgiveness fills your heart.

Pursue vertical posture for the sake of horizontal hope. 

  • Coming to God like that of a child. Matthew 18:3

  • Unhindered pursuit.

  • Using even simple language that will mature in time.


Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with y righteous right hand.”

Series Information

It is one thing to be a church that prays.  It is another to be a church known for being a praying church—a collection of prayerful people.  We begin the journey of prayerful dependence individually, but it becomes a movement when prayerful people permeate the church.  Acts 4:31 “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."