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Encounter Jesus

Nov 01, 2020 | Tony Hunt

I am the Good Shepherd

Biblical History to the role of a shepherd.

  • Abel, Abraham, Rachel, Jacob, Moses, and David were all shepherds.

  • 200x shepherds or shepherding was mentioned in scripture. HBD

  • Not all cultures esteemed shepherds as Egyptian culture despised shepherds. Genesis 46:34

  • Psalm 23 speaks of the shepherd as the caring leader.

  • 1 Samuel 17:34-35 identifies the shepherd as protector.

  • God identified himself like a shepherd who cares for the vulnerable, weak, or injured lambs. Isaiah 40:11

  • The terms “king” and “leader” became interchangeable with shepherd. 2 Samuel 5:2; Jeremiah 23

  • In Acts 20:28 the leaders of the church are charged with being shepherds of the flocks/congregations.

  • The Latin term “pastor” means “shepherd” which is how the church traditionally began referring to its leaders.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is all in.  John 10:11-13

  • He is a shepherd who will fight and die to save his sheep. (11)
    • David tells of fighting off lions and a bear while protecting the flock.
    • In Amos 3:12 God says he will go to the mouth of the lion to retrieve a sheep even if it is only a piece of an ear or two leg bones to be saved.
    • That is a tenaciously committed shepherd.
    • Jesus’ death was not a passive act but a tenacious one.
  • The hired shepherd considers only his pay and his own interests. (12-13)
    • The religious leaders were more concerned for their personal standing among the people verses truly seeking the coming of the Messiah.
    • When their standing was threatened, they defended themselves, not the flock they were to shepherd.
    • In concern of that, I embrace Peter’s charge to leaders of the church:

1 Peter 5:1a, 2-3 “To the elders among you…Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve, not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." 

  • Pastors/Elders should watch over, serve, and model the Good Shepherd’s heart.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gets relational with his sheep.  John 10:14-17

  • Because his sheep are family he does not run at the sign of trouble.

  • He is relating to us as he does his Father. (15)
    • That is intimate knowledge of you and me.
    • That is an inseparable relationship.
  • He wants to grow the flock. (16)
    • He is not satisfied w/99 in the pen. Luke 15:3-7
  • That is why he is willing to die for you and me. (17)
    • 3x he mentions he lays down his life for the sheep in vs. 11, 15, and 17.

Do you want him as your shepherd leader?


1 John 3:16 “This is how we know what love is: Jesus laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our life for our brothers.”

Discussion Guide:

  1. In light of John 10:11-13, where have you seen leaders who were supposed to be shepherds abandon the sheep (church) or harass the sheep (church)? How did that experience affect your view of Jesus?  How did it affect your view of pastor leaders?
  2. Jesus says three times in John 10:11-17 that he lays down his life for the sheep. Why do you think Jesus emphasizes this truth about his shepherd leadership? Why does this matter?
  3. Read 1 John 3:16. What does it look like for you to lay down your life for those in your oikos?

Series Information

John had a three years of observing Jesus and watching each human encounter with him reveal all the more who Jesus is.  Each person needs an encounter with Jesus, and it is our prayer that you will encounter Jesus anew in the weeks ahead.