Bona Fide
I Never Knew You
Signs Of Being Born Again
- “Regularly cut to the heart with a deep conviction and sorrow over sin.”
- “Continually repenting of sin. Admitting sin, hating sin and confessing sin.”
- “Having the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control).”
- “A broken, humble and contrite heart before God”
- “New desires like reading the Bible, praying with God, gathering together with other believers, singing praise to God.”
- “New affections like treasuring God, loving God and enjoying God.”
- “Outward actions like obeying the commands, living holy, practicing righteousness”
Discussion Guide:
- What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you through this sermon?
- How do you know if you have been born again? In what areas is the Holy Spirit at work in your life right now?
- What does it look like for your friends, family or Life Group to help you test and examine yourself? How can those around you help?
- What is your relationship with Jesus like right now?
- Based on the sermon and discussion time, what is God leading you to do? Or what action is he calling you to?
Series Information
No one wants to be accused or found to be an impostor, especially by God himself. Jesus takes on false faith head on as he is building a Kingdom of Bona Fide believers who will follow him to the end and beyond.