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Rock of Ages

Apr 12, 2020 | Tony Hunt

In His Steps


  • Peter is speaking to a church that has suffered much, but it is about to suffer even more as Nero continues to grow in his hate for the church.
  • He is encouraging the church to live as a foreigner, acknowledging the disconnect between those who follow after Jesus and those who reject him or do not know him.
  • Our call is to live a life that glorifies and spotlights God’s work in our lives.
  • A life that is respectful of others, loves others, fears God and honors earthly authorities is a life that glorifies God.
  • Especially when that earthly authority is not worthy of such respect or honor—slave owners, harsh supervisors, mockers, and abusers.

Peter, this seems too tall a challenge.  Injustice justifies my retaliation and my anger.  How does God get glory in my respect or honor of such people?

Called to follow Christ.  1 Peter 2:21

  • Christ suffered for you!
    • Peter reminding us that Jesus suffered unfairly for your sake.
  • Called you to follow his example.
    • He exemplified submission to God foremost, and even to the unjust rulers who crucified him.
  • Walk in his steps.

Christ’s example.  1 Peter 2:22-23

  • Jesus was innocent. (22)
    • He had not committed any wrongs.
    • He had not spoken anything that was misleading, but only truth.
  • He was verbally abused but did not retaliate. (23a)
    • He controlled the human impulses to react.
  • He was physically abused but did not threaten. (23b) 

“Jesus proved a person could be in the will of God, be greatly loved by God, and still   suffer unjustly.” Wiersbe

  • He trusted the higher authority for the outcome. (23c)

Christ’s mission. 1 Peter 2:24

  • He who was sinless bore our sins.
    • So that we can die to our sins.
    • So that his righteousness can enable our righteousness.
  • He was wounded so that our wounds could be healed.
    • The “glorious purpose” of his suffering was for our healing. MH

He is innocent                   vs.        We are guilty
He took on sin                   =          So our sins could be removed 

He is righteous                  vs.        We struggle to be righteous
His righteous sacrifice      =          Empowers us to live righteously 

He was not damaged        vs.        Our sin caused us many wounds
He was wounded              =          Our wounds are healed

Christ now leads and protects us. 1 Peter 2:25

  • We that were once straying without purpose, now we have purpose.
  • We that were once lost and vulnerable, now have our soul protected by Jesus Christ himself.

I was lost and dead in my sins but now I am found and alive.  Thank you Jesus!


Discussion Guide:

  1. Have you turned to Jesus? If so, when?  If not, why not now?
  2. What are the wounds caused by others or caused by your own mistakes that you need Jesus to heal?
  3. How does Jesus’ example help me to glorify God with injustice all around me?

Series Information

In light of the shifting shadows of thought within our culture, it is the longing of many to find something to cling to that does not move.  Jesus is that steadfast rock that we can stand on historically, now, and for the ages to come.  These two epistles are Peter’s final charge to the church to give strength and confidence that is rooted in the life changing work of Jesus Christ.