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Nov 05, 2017 | Tony Hunt

Justification by Faith

The fallacy of indulgences.

Indulgences - Defined- were the opportunity to pay money to move a soul stuck in purgatory to heaven. Additionally, it became a means by which one could purchase letters of indulgence to cover past and future sins. In other words, can offer these letter to justify one’s self before God.
Described- “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” Theses #27

Luther says the result of one’s own eternal destiny is in the hands of God alone not in the merits of a purchased indulgence or by the intercession or act of a priest. Theses #28

One who believes that indulgence letters has saved them has actually condemned themselves and those who teach such ideas. Theses #32

Justification by faith alone.

  • All of us are sinners. Romans 3:23

  • Our sin earns us death and separation from God eternally. Romans 6:23

  • Christ died for us sinners with no merits of our own to offer. Romans 5:8

  • Sinners cannot earn saving merit with God, but by faith alone in the work of Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9

  • By God’s grace we are justified and made righteous in his eyes. Romans 4:5


Ramifications of “justification by faith alone.”

  • Christ’s work on the cross is sufficient. 2 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 10:10

  • Righteous works are but filthy rags in their capacity to justify myself before God. Isaiah 64:6

  • I am justified and made righteous by faith in Christ alone. Galatians 2:16

  • I am righteous in the eyes of God because of Christ’s work alone. Romans 10:4

Series Information

500 years ago the church experienced what was to be the most significant change in its history. Luther posted his 95 Theses calling God’s people to open His word and discover the light of life, thus ending the dark ages of the church. Today, those statements shape our identity as Christians. We will discover them afresh and anew. They could change your life!