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Give It To Me Straight

Feb 19, 2023 | Tony Hunt

Rising from doubt to belief


Read James 1:2-8

Asking God for wisdom amid trials is a posture of recognizing you need help—you are lacking in wisdom.

  • Don’t doubt.
  • Don’t expect to receive anything if you doubt.
  • The doubter is like a wave that is driven by other.
  • The doubter is unstable.

Background of James

  • Brother of Jesus and Jude.
  • Jesus’ brothers did not believe in him. John 7:1-5
  • They likely felt belittled by and jealous of Jesus. Matthew 12:46-50
  • Jesus appeared specifically to James after his resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:7
  • James, along with his mother and siblings, was there at Pentecost. Acts 1:14
  • Becomes the leader of the church in Jerusalem. Acts 15:13; 21:18
  • Became known as “James the Just” due to his purity of life that was above reproach and acknowledged even by those adversarial to the church. Hegesippus
  • He was a man known to be so committed to prayer that his knees were described to look like the knees of a camel for having been praying to great lengths on his knees. Hegesippus
  • He was thrown off the temple, survived the fall, was stoned, and then ultimately killed to silence his prayer of asking God to forgive those beating him for they knew not what they were doing. Eusebius
  • His death at the temple has been argued as partially contributing to the siege of Jerusalem that such a just man was martyred. Josephus, Eusebius, Hegesippus, Clement

James had gone through a significant season of doubt.  Because of that journey, he had become a man of great faith and prayer.  He understood what doubt can do to a person.  Consider his brother Jude who said in verse 22 “Be merciful to those who doubt.”

Questions these verses create:

            So, why is James so harsh on doubt?  What does this mean regarding prayer?

If we have doubt, does that mean that God will not provide wisdom? Not, necessarily.

If we believe, will God provide that wisdom?  YES, regarding wisdom!  What about other things we pray for?

This line of thinking has become misused in modern understanding of prayer and can cloud a proper understanding of God.  For example, we pray for healing and when there is no healing, we presume doubt or some unconfessed sin. 

We “believe for it” can be another way of saying that when we pray God will because our belief rises to a point where God must.  For if God doesn’t then we presume it is a level of belief issue or unconfessed sin. 

How does Jesus address our level of faith or belief in prayer? Matthew 17:14-20

  • Consider Jesus’ “low bar” for considering great things in response to prayer.

  • Jesus does delight and respond to prayers prayed in full faith, but that does not limit, mandate, or determine his response.

  • Prayers in faith and belief will be rewarded in the communion with him where there can be understanding of his will and celebration of being part of his work.

Take aways concerning doubt.

  1. Doubt is an uninvited feeling that can become a hindrance to our faith if it takes root.

  2. Our doubt does not dictate God’s response, but in His great plan our prayers spoken in belief are very much part of how He works. It is a mystery.

  3. Rising from doubt to unwavering belief is a journey God desires to lead you in.

  4. When you sense doubt, ask God for help. Mark 9:23-24
  • There is belief, albeit small.
  • Help my unbelief.
  • “Not that his faith would give Jesus the power to heal him, but it would render it proper that he should exert that power in his favour.” Barnes

Key Phrase…

 James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask of God, and who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

  • He did not find fault in Thomas.
  • He did not find fault in Paul.
  • He did not find fault in James.
  • He did not find fault in you to withhold growing your faith.


ASK OF GOD. Acknowledge your doubt. Watch Him work!

Series Information

James does not beat around the bush.  He speaks right into the various challenges to us growing in our faith.  James truly gives it to us straight in a manner that helps us self-reflect and then act.