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Sep 26, 2021 | Tony Hunt

Signed and Sealed


  1. The Father chose and adopted us in love—this was always so! (3)

  2. We were redeemed in Christ, released from bondage, and are seen by him as holy and blameless. (4)

  3. We are in a season of God building his household—oikonomia, until he returns. (10)

  4. We as redeemed ones are the glory of his work. (12)

Read Ephesians 1:7-14

All people groups will be included in the family of God.  (12a, 13a)

  • The first to hope in Christ were the Jews.
    • It was through the promises given to Abraham, Moses, and David that God revealed that the seed of Abraham the nations of the world would be blessed.
    • Particularly through David’s seed there would be redemption that would bless all people.
  • Gentiles are being given full inclusion into God’s redemptive plan. (13a)

Saving faith begins with hearing the gospel and is followed by believing that gospel.  (13b)

  • To become a child of God, one must be told about it. Romans 10:13-15

  • Modeling the gospel alone will not suffice.

  • Belief that saves is one that entrusts.

We are marked as God’s child or possession by His Holy Spirit. (13c)

  • Language that communicates a permanent marking of possession or identity.
    • Often a ring, staff with insignia, or coat.
    • Wax to seal a letter with imprint of seal identifying source.
  • It is an authentication of identification of who is the owner.

  • A seal also authenticates authority.

  • My passport and its seal give me the protections and provisions as a citizen of the United States. 

The Holy Spirit becomes our down payment guaranteeing our inheritance. (14a)

  • This inheritance will come to the redeemed ones who are God’s possession.
    • It is important to note that we are indeed God’s possession that is awaiting the fulfillment of our full inheritance.
    • ESV mistranslates this phrase and adds a verb “acquire” that does not exist and changes the modification of “possession” which then causes it to refer to the inheritance rather than the inheritor. Not only is this not in the original language but is inconsistent with the verses preceding it.  We are adopted, chosen, marked, therefore we are God’s child his possession.  NIV, NASB, KJV, and if necessary to say, Calvin says that the possession is referring to the church not us possessing the inheritance. 
  • We are God’s possession that cannot be taken from him. John 10:28

  • Thus saying, those who are chosen and adopted by God have always been known and are not being removed as if God changed his mind. He knows now who will be in eternity with him forever.  The Lambs book of Life contains no eraser marks, but every name written in blood forever. 

  • The Spirit marks those who are his, thus the guarantee.

  • We can tell those who are his by looking at the fruit of the Spirit in their lives—evidence! Matthew 7:15-20

The Holy Spirit is more than just an external mark, He is our constant guide. John 15:26-16:15

  • Kings would assign teachers/guides to their children to prepare them for fulfilling their royal duties.

  • The Holy Spirit marks our identity, and counsels us in the ways of God.

Series Information

Ephesians is dripping with deep and meaningful truths to cling to and particularly applicable to today.  While we have certainly experienced more division in our country, in Christ oneness can be found.  The unity of the Trinity is deeply sown into the DNA of those who are following Jesus Christ.  The work of Christ not only ties us altogether in the present but it gives us unity of purpose as move forward into the future.