Rock of Ages
Stumble or Stand
Have you ever built a house? I have not. I have now been part of two church building projects.
- Choosing to build and what to build comes first. [image of our blueprint]
- Preparing the ground comes as the first physical act—blasting rock! [video of blasting from Ann with trees swaying]
- Pouring the footers comes next.
- Then laying the foundation follows. [image of block outline/footers]
- Structures start to show. [image of steel erecting]
- No matter the structure type there is a similar process. [image of current building]
Can you imagine tearing it all down?
Jesus speaks of a physical temple being torn down. Matthew 24:1-2
- That temple had in their lifetime was completed after 46 years. [Image of modern day of the stones still lying on the ground]
- How sad or angry would you be to hear this from Jesus.
- A physical temple had been thought of as the ultimate hope and glory.
- Can it possibly be improved?
Jesus speaks of him being “the temple” to be torn down but rebuilt. John 2:13-22
- Jesus builds a picture of the new temple, or church to be built.
- It will now be human beings being constructed into something more glorious than a physical building.
- Yet many could not comprehend thinking beyond the physical.
Now he looks to build us upon himself as that which holds us up.
As we looked 1 Peter 2:1-5 last week we learned about us being “little stones” being built into a “spiritual household”.
Jesus said this very thing when he said in Matthew 16:18 “…I will build my church…”
What will it look like? Built on what? How does this begin? What will be its substance? What will hold it together?
Built on THE ROCK. 1 Peter 2:4-6
- Cornerstone translated from the literal meaning “head of the corner”. ISBE
- A cornerstone is the stone the building relies on for its soundness in angle, balance and strength. [Image of a cornerstone]
- Ceremoniously laid at the beginning of a project.
- In building pagan temples, they would sacrifice a child or older person to consecrate the building and place them under the cornerstone. ISBE
- A capstone can also be the same word which is the final stone that ties it all together. [Image of the PA keystone]
- Regardless of cornerstone or capstone, Jesus is the “first and last” the “alpha and omega” of this spiritual house. Revelation 22:13
“We rely on Christ much like a building relies on it’s cornerstone [or capstone].” BKC
Colossians 1:17 “He is before all things, and in him all things are held together.”
To stand or stumble. 1 Peter 2:7-8
- To stand- You must believe that Jesus is the one to whom you conform your life. (7)
- To stand- Conforming requires obedience to the gospel found in Jesus.
- To stumble- Reject Jesus as the blueprint for true life. (8b)
Privileged to become a spiritual house. 1 Peter 2:9-10
- Chosen people
- Revealed by those who believe and have obeyed by living out this gospel.
- Truly a gift of grace by the indwelling work of God’s Spirit.
- Royal priesthood
- Before the Cross, people “had” a priesthood over them, but after the Cross we “are” the priesthood.
- We can enter daily into the presence of the Lord—part of the “glories” to come.
- Our chief priest is both priest and king.
- It is a priesthood under construction.
- Holy nation.
- We are “set apart” as a new and special nation.
- Our citizenship is not earth bound, but in Heaven with our Redeemer King. Philippians 3:20
- God’s people, a special possession.
- The “deed” of our heart says we belong to God.
- Purchased by his son Jesus.
- We now bear his name!
Take Aways
- Jesus wants to build you into something new and incorporate you into the fabric of a greater church.
- Believe and submit to Jesus’ leadership.
- Proclaim and invite others into the Light of Jesus. (9c)
Discussion Questions:
- Read 1 Peter 2:9-10 and choose which of the descriptions of the church meant the most to you and why (a chosen people, royal priesthood, holy nation, and God’s special possession).
- What does it look like to make Jesus the first and the last in your life?
- Considering the end of verse 9, how can I shine the light of Jesus to those who remain in darkness around me?
Series Information
In light of the shifting shadows of thought within our culture, it is the longing of many to find something to cling to that does not move. Jesus is that steadfast rock that we can stand on historically, now, and for the ages to come. These two epistles are Peter’s final charge to the church to give strength and confidence that is rooted in the life changing work of Jesus Christ.