The Holy Standard
- There is hope that carries us through the suffering.
- Jesus leads us through the suffering not away from it.
- Our salvation was accomplished through suffering which leads to the glory of Jesus through his work in us.
If this is true, then what must I do? 1 Peter 1:13a
- “Therefore, in light of this great salvation that gives us hope we must…”
- Verses 3-12 are written in the indicative mood (making a statement of fact), whereas, 13-16 are in the imperative mood (giving a clear command). EBC
- Verses 3-12 Peter is laying out important facts from which to build his letter.
- Verses 3-12 are foundational to the gospel message.
- Verses 13-16 are the implications of these facts on how to apply this knowledge.
- Truth must inform and guide what we do in life.
Road map for living to glorify Jesus. 1 Peter 1:13-16
- Be mentally prepared to act. (13a)
- “Prepared for action” ESV & NASB
- “Gird up the loins of your mind” KJV
Like a man wearing a long garment who tucks it into his belt so as to be ready to run. Wiersbe
- We are meant for action not just for learning.
- Follow the Spirit’s lead. (13a)
- “fully sober” NIV, “sober-minded” ESV, “sober in spirit”
- Clear minded.
- Not subliminally controlled by excesses of the world or religiosity. BKC
- Be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18
- Able to be internally directed because you are not externally clouded.
- Live with the anticipation that Christ could come at any time. (13b)
- This hope sets our eyes on the grace revealed at his return. 1 Thess. 4:13-18
“Christians should live in the future tense; their present actions and decisions are governed by this future hope. Living with the expectation of seeing Jesus…” BEC
“A Christian who is looking for the glory of God has a greater motivation for present obedience than a Christian who ignores the Lord’s return.” BEC
- For example, a wedding being the object of anticipation during the engagement phase where all things are lived out with that date in mind. BEC [Image: Bride and Groom]
- Leave behind ignorant living and obey Christ. (14)
- Ignorant living means we did not know then what we do now.
- Do not conform to the model of life the world advocates for.
- Identical imperatival participle συσχηματιζόμενοι as used in…
Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
- It is in the patterns of this world where temptation thrives to do that which destroys life.
- Obedience to the teachings of Jesus and conforming to the way Jesus lived is the pattern to an informed life that will thrive.
- Be holy like Jesus. (15-16)
- He is our template for living.
- “It is a loving conformity to God’s commands and Jesus’ example.” EBC
- Holiness embraces a purity that is different from the world.
- It is set apart with special purpose that is treated with reverence like a sanctuary.
- We are to be dedicated to that special purpose.
Series Information
In light of the shifting shadows of thought within our culture, it is the longing of many to find something to cling to that does not move. Jesus is that steadfast rock that we can stand on historically, now, and for the ages to come. These two epistles are Peter’s final charge to the church to give strength and confidence that is rooted in the life changing work of Jesus Christ.