The 10 Commandments
The Law's gift to us: Disgust, remorse, and admission
Review: Romans 1:18-23 and 2:14-15
There is an internal battle that rages between your sinful nature and the law of God written upon our hearts. Romans 7:14-25
Can you relate?
Have you felt that tension of wanting to do right only to keep doing wrong?
Can you identify the sin that has kept you in a vicious cycle of failure?
Common sins people struggle with: lust, pornography, always wanting more, gluttony, pride-bragging about your accomplishments or what you know, inflated value of pleasure seeking, temper, complaining, procrastination.
The Law creates guilt and disgust for sin, but we have a sinful flesh that is aroused by the Law. Romans 7:7-13
- The Law is not the solution, but it is the starting point of finding help. (7)
- Our flesh wants to call all the shots and is enticed when we are told “no” or “do not go there”.
- It provides disgust, remorse, and admission that we are flawed and in need of help. (13b)
- It provides the exposure needed to make us aware of our need.
There must be a death to the flesh to truly find life. Romans 7:1-6
- The Law rules until there is a death. (1-3)
- Through Christ you die to the Law that condemns you. (4)
- Because he paid the penalty the Law requires by his own death.
- The fruit of living out of our sinful flesh was leading to our own personal death. (5)
- By dying to that which bound us you find a new way by the Spirit which liberates us. (6)
The indwelling Spirit of Christ provides what the Law is powerless to do: the power to live a life that pleases God. Romans 8:1-4
- In Christ, you are no longer rendered powerless and condemned by the Law. (1)
- You are set free from the grip of sin and condemnation by the power of the Spirit of God living in you. (2)
- God gave us the Law that exposes our weak flesh, but he gave us his Son to as a sin offering to pay off the debt. (3)
- Now we have the power through the Spirit to live a life that glorifies and pleases God. (4)
Ephesians 1:13-14 Says that if we by faith accept Christ’s death as the payment for your sin, he promises to give you the Holy Spirit—the power to live life to the glory of God!
Romans 8:1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Series Information

How can we truly know who God is and who we are if there was no law given from God to define morality. The 10 Commandments give us a timeless framework by which we can know the holiness of God and to know our need for his help in living to please him.