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Aug 12, 2018 | Corey Mitchell

The man of Faith

In our series Ablaze, we share from Scriptures which have significantly impacted our lives and thinking. Today’s text is one of the foundational passages of the Bible. In Genesis 12:1-3 God calls Abraham, establishing their eternal covenant and beginning God’s story of redemption. Paul cites the passage in his declaration of Abraham as the man of faith. 


Genesis 12:1-3
Galatians 3:7-9
Matthew 1:1
Genesis 15:6, 15:17-18, 17:5
Joshua 24:2-3
Acts 7:2-4
Genesis 31:53
Romans 4:16-25

Summary Statement

Abraham left behind all that he knew, left behind his father’s house, left behind idol worship to pursue the call of the one, true God. Through Abraham, God launched his plan of redemption for the children of Adam, a plan that would find its fullness in the person of Jesus, the seed of Abraham. Abraham is the man of faith as described by Paul, and his faith was a living and active faith based on his unwavering belief in the promises and power of God.

Series Information

When was the last time you were inspired by scripture? Are you enamored with the word of God? Where does it come alive? How has the Word of God shaken, comforted, challenged, nurtured, and forever changed who you are? This series is an overflow of our love for His Living Word and gives testimony to the power it has to change a life.