Children’s fairy-tales are filled with stories of transformation (The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, The Ugly Duckling, The Frog Prince, Beauty and the Beast, Pinocchio) all echoing our deep-rooted desire to become a person God had in mind when He created us.
Romans 12:2 // Transformation begins with your mind. 2019 will only be as new as the thoughts you put in your head.
God’s pattern for transforming us: BELIEVE -> BEHAVE -> BECOME
BELIEVE (pick a new label): seeing yourself as God sees you. Judges 6:1-6, 11-16 (Mighty Warrior)
BEHAVE (pick a new fight): activity follows identity, aligning your actions with your beliefs. Romans 4:18-21; Judges 6:25-28, 33-35
We’re all called to become truer versions of ourselves. Right now, there is a gap between your true self and your false self, and it’s up to you to fill it. But to do this well, you need insight, a new label, a new definition of who you are. This life-changing insight will come from one of these sources:
- God’s Story
- God’s Spirit
- God’s Saints
What new label is God calling you to pick? What new fight is calling your name?
This year may we love better and live bigger. This year may we be transformed by the power of God. A transformation from our strength to His, from broken to beautiful, from fear to faith. A transformation that starts in the heart then seeps outward into the world. A transformation that fulfils His deepest desires for us. This year may we be wide open to the transforming hand of the Father who makes all things new. It won’t be quick. It won’t be easy. But it will be so worth it—you becoming so extraordinarily new.