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Aug 19, 2018 | Arthur Woods II

Trust! He’s Got You!

When Life Gets Hard, Trust in The Lord. He’s Got You!
SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 3:5-6. Job 1 & 2, Luke 22, Mark 10, John 20, Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Psalm 13:5-6, Proverbs 3:5-6
1. Do I truly believe that Gods got me? 
2. What barrier is keeping me from fully trusting God?
3. What am I missing out on as a result of not trusting God?
4. What can I do this week to truly begin placing my trust in God?

Series Information

When was the last time you were inspired by scripture? Are you enamored with the word of God? Where does it come alive? How has the Word of God shaken, comforted, challenged, nurtured, and forever changed who you are? This series is an overflow of our love for His Living Word and gives testimony to the power it has to change a life.