Why Pray: God's Heart for Us
Why don’t we pray? What reasons do you have for not praying more?
Maybe you find yourself feeling frustrated, discouraged, or guilty when the thought of prayer is mentioned. Maybe you believe in God but you live as if He doesn’t exist. Maybe you just feel prayer is to hard or that it feels one sided. Maybe you just don’t pray as much because you feel God is not interested in communicating with you.
Philippians 4:4-9
Four truths surrounding this passage:
- The Lord is Near
- God is sovereign and merciful
- Focus of our attention
- God’s peace through our obedience
Why pray?
- Prayer is responding to God who is initiating a relationship with us
Deuteronomy 4:7; 31-40
- Prayer demonstrates our dependence on God for everything
Daniel 6:1-10
- Prayer demonstrates that God exists
The more I pursue prayer, the more my intimacy with God will grow. Take 5 minutes during your day to pray when you normally wouldn’t pray.
Series Information
The vision for this series is to understand God's heart for us in a way to know why he would want us to pray to him.
Through engaging this question, by the end of this series each of us can continue to be liberated from all the apprehension that we might feel in engaging God
Each week we will be addressing the many questions and many facets when it comes to understanding who God is and therefore understanding how we can approach him in prayer