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Jan 26, 2025 | Tony Hunt

Workplace mission


Whatever you do…do it all in Jesus name. 

  1. By his authority.

  2. By his example and permission.

  3. To his credit.

Our first place of mission is our oikos—household…family members and beyond.

Read Colossians 3:22-4:1

Slavery in the Bible.

  • It is not prescribed or forbidden, but it is regulated for the protection of slaves.
  • Different types of slavery that were cultural norms in Middle Eastern culture.
    • Indebted slaves—part of the household.
    • Foreigner protection—part of the household.
    • Conquered Nation.
  • Slavery that taints our nation’s history was strictly forbidden.

Exodus 21:16 “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.”

Failure to utilize the whole of scripture leads to heretical and false practices.

  • The Bible looks out for the enslaved.

  • After the Cross, the slave is afforded all the rights of being a child of God, heir of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Colossians 3:11 “Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.”

                                    Example:  Philemon and Onesimus

The principles found here directly apply to workplace mission.  How do we do all in the name of Jesus at work and as we work.

As a worker we are to be obedient in everything—obedient to Jesus and to our supervisor. (22)

  • Conduct- Do your best work whether you are being watched or when you are alone. [Example: Terry cutting too deep into a box or taking a cart of trading cards]

  • Attitude- Working out of sincerity of heart will guard you from inconsistent performance, sending confusing signals to coworkers, and weakened character.

  • Motive- Revering the Lord in all you do will keep you doing things as Jesus would do them. [by His authority, by His example, and to His credit]

“Working with awareness of God’s character and presence enhances the dignity of the labor…” BKC

  • Gives you cause to keep grow in excellence as a worker.
  • Also gives you guidance on how you obey your supervisor if directives contradict what Jesus would do. [Daniel- kept praying, but kept honoring as did his friends. They appealed to God’s authority first]

“Whatever you do…” make sure your work ethic is unquestioned because you are working for the Lord. (23)

  • Go all in (all your heart) on your work because you want to please Jesus.

  • Your work reflects on your relationship with Jesus.
    • There is no compartmentalization of sacred and secular.
  • You work in His name, by His example, and to His credit.

  • Jesus is who you work for—the ultimate CEO.

  • There is no fooling Him as to your actual effort. [My H.S. teachers vs. college professors—they could see my effort for what it was.  Today might be “A.I.” ]

Pleasing Jesus will serve you better than being a people pleaser. (24)

  • You need to care more about the approval of Jesus than any supervisor you work for.

  • A mindset of serving Jesus as primary will be well rewarded in heaven and on earth.

God will hold into account any injustice by the worker or the supervisor—there is no special privilege given to either. (25)

People in authority will give an account to God for their treatment of the worker. (4:1)

  • You will be held to the highest standard of justice or rightness not your accumulated wealth, inheritance given to your children, or success of your company.

  • God expects you to be equitable to your workers.

  • Treating your workers rightly and fairly aligns you with God.
    • Would that not be good for your business that God does not despise what you are doing?
    • Would it not produce inspiration for your workers to perform well to benefit a company they believe in?
  • Every person comes under authority and will be held accountable for it.

The mission of God is to bring Jesus to your home and to your workplace. 

Take aways:

  1. Jesus’ love is not contingent upon your work ethic.

  2. Doing excellent work is motivate by our love for Jesus.

  3. Working in Jesus’ name will reflect Jesus’ character and love to your co-workers.

Series Information

When a person loses hope they lose the energy to keep going forward.  When hope is present vision, passion and strength can thrive.  Paul writes the letter of Colossians to establish a hope that never fades and will ultimately strengthen the church to fulfill its mission come what may.