Starting Point



Your best first step is to attend Starting Point! Starting Point is a three-week class offered on Sunday mornings during second service. You’ll meet other people, learn about our values, and find opportunities to connect and serve. Although we live in a culture that values individualism, we believe God created us to work together to accomplish great things for His Kingdom. Starting Point will help will help put you on the road to relationship building and cooperative teamwork in the body of Christ at LEFC!

When is starting point?

Starting Point classes are offered multiple times per year. Our next classes will be on September 14, 21, and 28! Classes meet during the second service time slot in the Crossover Room. A general schedule is listed below:

  • Arrive at 10:45AM
  • Fellowship and refreshments
  • Overview of LEFC Ministries, service opportunities, etc.
  • Questions 
How do i sign up?

Registration will open in August online and at the connection counter. Watch your bulletin for announcements!

have questions?

For more information, contact  our Starting Point Facilitators, Art and Ruth Horn, at   or call 717-385-0381.