Worship Arts

worship arts at lefc

LEFC Worship Arts exists to glorify God and to invite others into an encounter with Him.

Every Sunday, we gather to worship through singing, music, prayer, the teaching of the Word, giving, fellowship, and much, much more. The Worship Arts team incorporates the tools and talents of the church to encourage and support congregational singing, teach and remind truth, and connect head and heart.

These values drive our musical and artistic choices as a team. Our services are planned in close collaboration with the preaching team so that whether we sing a classic hymn of the faith, an older praise chorus, or a new song, the substance of the message being proclaimed never changes.


upcoming event: 2025 easter worship choir

Register today! All vocalists are invited to join LEFC's Easter Choir that will lead worship to celebrate our Savior’s resurrection during three services on Sunday, April 20 (8AM, 9:30AM, and 11AM). Mandatory rehearsals will be held on Saturday mornings, April 12 and 19, from 9 to 11:30AM. Click the image below to sign up!



How to Get Involved

The Worship Arts department encompasses music and technology, which both require a team of committed volunteers who generally serve 1-2 Sundays per month. We also have seasonal opportunities to be involved in Christmas, Easter, and children's choirs.

Interested in getting involved in any of those areas? Read below to learn more!


If you play an instrument or sing and would like to get involved in the Worship Arts ministry, we’d love to hear from you! The first step in the process is to send an email to our Director of Worship Alex Swann at  , introducing yourself and describing how you’d like to be involved. After that, we’ll schedule a time to meet and talk about what serving in this ministry looks like. 

For an overview of our team purpose, guidelines, and responsibilities, click here.



“Art” means way more than music, and music is only one small part of creating meaningful worship services. If you have skill or interest in learning how to operate a camera, mix audio, produce videos, control projection, or work on stage designs, we want to know you! Our team is skilled and excited to offer thorough training and experience in the world of production!

To get involved, send an email to our Technical Arts Supervisor Daniel Spangler at  .


Choir and band opportunities

In addition to our weekly worship teams, LEFC has opportunities to join in an adult worship choir and band for Christmas and Easter services. For children in grades 1-6, we have a bi-annual children's worship workshop called Created to Praise, which includes 4 Sunday morning rehearsals, followed by leading worship in the main service on the first Sunday in December and at our annual Sunday in the Park event in June.