Baptism 03-12-2023
Adalyn Klopp
I grew up in a Christian home and have learned about Jesus from a very young age. My family and teachers at LEFC helped me to understand my need for Christ. I realized that I am a sinner and needed to ask God to forgive me for my sins. I talked to my parents, and they helped me to pray and ask Jesus into my heart.
Jesus makes a difference in my life now because He helps me not to worry. I know that I can always pray when I feel nervous or anxious. I also read my Bible and memorize verses that remind me of God's love and plan for me. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11. It says, "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope." I am thankful that Jesus forgives me when I make mistakes and that he helps me to make good decisions.
I wanted to get baptized to show others that I have put my full trust in Christ as my Savior and that He will help me through anything in my live.
Aiden and Caleb Roberts
Aiden Roberts
Hi, my name is Aiden Roberts. I cannot remember a time when I did not feel Jesus in my life. I decided I would like to be baptized because I can publicly declare I'm a follower of Christ. Going to church helped me to believe in Jesus. Jesus means protection and safety to me. Jesus makes a difference in my life because he reminds me there is life after death.
My favorite Bible story is the wall of Jericho. I like this story because it shows God can truly do anything. God has answered my prayers many times. I talk to him before tests and challenges in my life. He has helped guide my life by helping me make better decisions when temptations arise. He has reminded me to be kind to others and give in to his strength to overcome the challenges in my life.
If I did not have God, I would miss having a larger power to trust in my life.
Caleb Roberts
Hi, my name is Caleb Roberts. It is hard for me to think of a time when Jesus was not in my life. I would like to be baptized to announce God is my Lord and Savior. I would like to do this because I would like to be with God in heaven.
My favorite Bible story is one about John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. I like it because after Jesus is baptized and went into the desert and was tempted 3 times, each time he said "no". This story reminds me that if you have faith in God, he will help us through our hard times. He will work us through our temptations. Jesus in my life means I can be helpful, kind and forgiving to others.
My Pappy has Parkinson's and I've been praying for him to get better. There is a power and love for Parkinson's patients. I think this is part of the answer to my prayers. I am glad I will not need to experience life without God.
Patrick Grootboom
At the age of three, my sister and I were put into foster care because my birth mother abused my sister. I grew up with an amazing family that taught me more about God and what He did for us on the cross. I had grown to love God in my early years of life, but as I reached high school, I started to draw away from God. I wasn't hanging out with the greatest of friends either, and that caused me to neglect what was most important in life. I started to put money at the forefront of my life, and I could see how that made me behave. Everything I did was centered around gaining great wealth. After graduating high school, I spent 2 years volunteering at my mom's school, also know as Aurora Primary School, and there I was able to learn to be humble and have patience. Before I left to come to the United states, I had felt this burning desire to learn more about God and grow closer to him. While I no longer felt the same pull towards wealth, I still enjoyed studying business and felt that it was something I was naturally good at. It wasn't long before God revealed to me that I could use my business skills to support missionaries who were spreading the Gospel in places where it hadn't yet been heard. As said in The Great Commission: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Today, I'm getting baptized for two reasons: first, to give God all the glory for sending his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross, saving me from my sins. Second, to be held accountable for my role in helping more people hear about the good news of the Gospel.