Life Group Discussion Guides

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Post Tenabras Lux--Follow Christ Even In Suffering--Pastor Tony

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Follow Christ Even in Suffering - Pastor Tony

Group Discussion Guide
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Choose the best question(s) for your group

December 10, 2017
Questions by Pastor Ric

Below are some discussion questions relating to a recent sermon. These are provided so that your Life Group can discuss what was shared. Previous Weeks’ Discussion Guides and Sermon Notes are available through the Sermons under the Resources menu. Click on the sermon series and then the sermon you are interested in.  You will see a paper icon under the sermon title. Click the icon to open the sermon notes. To listen to the sermon click on the speaker icon. 
Persevere Church! 

Thesis #94 “Christians should be exhorted to be diligent in following Christ, their Head, through penalties, death, and hell.”

Thesis #95 “And thus be confident of entering into heaven through many tribulations rather than through the false security of peace (Acts 14:22).”

Luther pays the price in isolation! He saw it coming for himself and others. 

Texts:  1 Peter 4:12-16;  Acts 5:41;  2 Timothy 1:8;  Philippians 1:29

  1. Be sure to review your notes on the Catholic church and discuss ways in which both Protestants and Catholics today can partner for the sake of the gospel. How is this beneficial to the cause of Christ?  How could your Life Group participate in such a partnership?

  2. Have a conversation about what suffering (1 Peter 4:12-16; 2 Timothy 1:8) for followers of Jesus (for His name) looks like in different parts of the globe (Iran, Iraq, China, etc.), from what you understand to be happening in our world today. Are Christ-followers in the USA really suffering?

  3. If we are to be disciples of Jesus, we should expect personal suffering (James 1:2-8). How we have suffered for Jesus is key to our spiritual transformation into mature disciples, yet it is common for us to resist this.  How do I embrace suffering as good in a culture that is committed to comfort?  How does my reaction to suffering affect those in my Oikos who are not yet Christ-followers?

  4. Spend some extended time in prayer. Use the guide below that Pastor Tony shared in his teaching today. 

Prayer for the CHURCH 

  1. Pray that the Church will walk according to his Name and to his glory.
  1. Pray that the Church will not shrink back from the face of suffering.
  • For the Word to be the authority, even in the face of social rejection.
  • For our spirit to be one of gentleness in respect to those who insult us.
  • For our suffering to bring glory to God by changing lives.
  1. Pray for those who are suffering around the world for the name of Jesus.
  • For their perseverance.
  • For their suffering to produce fruit in the lives of those who harm them and are watching their testimony of faith. 
  1. Pray that the Church will flourish in this region and a harvest will happen!
Posted by Ric Joline with

Post Tenabras Lux-- "The Word of God in the Hands of People"

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The Word of God in the Hands of People

Group Discussion Guide
Choose the best question(s) for your group

December 3, 2017
Questions by Pastor Ric


Below are some discussion questions relating to a recent sermon. These are provided so that your Life Group can discuss what was shared. Previous Weeks’ Discussion Guides and Sermon Notes are available through the Sermons under the Resources menu. Click on the sermon series and then the sermon you are interested in.  You will see a paper icon under the sermon title. Click the icon to open the sermon notes. To listen to the sermon click on the speaker icon. 


Bible Statistics

  • The top 5 selling English Translations: NIV, KJV, NLT, NKJV, ESV
  • There are now translations of the Bible in over 2000 languages.
  • There are 50 Bibles sold each minute globally.
  • There are 168,000 Bibles distributed each day in America alone.
  • The Bible, as you know it: chapters added in 1238 by Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro and verses added in 1551 by Robertus Stephanus.
  • The Bible can be read aloud in 70 hours.


TEXTS:  Psalm 119:105; John 1:1-5; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; 1 Timothy 4:13-16


  1. Despite the fact that there are numerous translations of the Bible available to us, many still do not actually read/study it. Have a conversation about why many of us don’t read/study the Bible regularly and how your Life Group could help change that pattern.


  1. There are some important skills needed to understand and study the Bible without misinterpreting what it says. One proven method is called “Inductive” Bible study.  What is your method/plan for studying the Scriptures in addition to the weekly teachings at LEFC?


  1. If we study the Bible only for knowledge, it will never transform us. Read Romans 12:1,2 and discuss how the study of God’s Word has the power to renew our minds. What does that mean? What must we do to make sure that happens?


  1. One teaching about the Bible is called “verbal plenary inspiration”. It is a key doctrine that claims the scriptures were written without error in the original manuscripts.  Discuss how this is possible based upon what you know about the Bible.  Why is this doctrine so important?
Posted by Ric Joline with
