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Baptism June 28, 2020

Carmen DiCiano

I am a long-time believer in Jesus Christ, and I have been so privileged to call Jesus my Lord and my Savior.  Through all of my life’s joys and challenges, He has been my strength, my rock, and my living hope - and quite honestly, I know without a doubt that I am nothing without Him.  So it is that I hold tightly to His word and His promise that “if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, we are saved.”  My life is firmly planted on this belief . . . and what an amazing gift it is … to be redeemed, to be saved, and not on any merit of my own but solely on His life, death and resurrection. 

I am absolutely amazed at his faithfulness and the love he has continually demonstrated throughout my life.  So, it is with a grateful heart I choose to be baptized today as a testimony to his saving grace.  

Truth be told, I was baptized as an infant, yet that baptism attested to my parent’s faith, not to my own.  Through my journey over the years, and my time in His word and prayer, God has led me to take this step that so many other believers have taken.  Why would I not follow in what Jesus taught me?   Jesus said that “if we love him, we will obey his commandments.”  I do love Him, and so I choose to place my pride and discomfort far aside, and step out in faith, and humble myself in obedience to Him and Him alone.  Today I proclaim before you, my family & friends, and my God that “I’m all in!”  So, with God’s help, I will continue “to trust Him with ALL my heart and lean not on my own understanding; and in all my ways I will acknowledge Him, knowing that he will make my paths straight!”  To God be the Glory!!

Abigail DiCiano

I grew up in a Christian household, so I knew of God and the stories surrounding God. I went through the motions of typical “Christian things” such as going to church and praying before meals that I thought you were supposed to do. I didn’t know Him, I just knew about Him. To me, God was a judge just sitting in the sky, He was distant, unapproachable and maybe not even real.

I found myself searching for purpose and meaning in other things and also in myself. I knew that there had to be more to this life than simply waking up and going through the motions of each day. I was wandering aimlessly through life searching for purpose and meaning. At my lowest point when I was alone and afraid, God drew me to Himself. His spirit comforted mine and let me know that He was very much real and alive. Since I grew up in a Christian home, I knew that He could save me if I just let Him. So I confessed to the Lord that I am a sinner in need of a savior.

Since coming to know Christ, God has shown me that I do not have to earn my salvation or His love. God has renewed my spirit and given me a purpose and joy in this life. I am not perfect, and I still mess up, but God loves me despite all my flaws and imperfections. Through it all, I know that God has been so good and faithful in my life, even when I haven’t been to Him. He has revealed Himself to me through His Word and His spirit. God loved me even at my lowest point and He rescued me from myself and eternal separation from Him.

One of my favorite verses is Galatians 2:20 - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.”

Cara DiCiano

I grew up in a Christian home and always had a relationship with God, but never had a burning desire to pursue it, or so I thought. When I went off to college in the fall, things changed dramatically. Throughout that whole semester, I encountered experiences I never thought I would have in my life. It felt like life kept on knocking me down and I couldn't get back up.

By the end of the semester, I was broken and my relationship with God was broken, but I knew that I needed him more than ever. So, I turned to God . . . and he was there waiting for me.  I started reading, listening, and worshiping Him and only Him. Once I stopped living for the world and started living for God, he truly transformed my life. I am in complete awe of how God has turned my life around and led me to a place where I can grow …. and learn …. and serve Him; I am a living testimony of His saving grace in Jesus.

In early December, my walk with God began - my direction in life changed. Though the hardships and sufferings I experienced that first semester were fresh on my heart, I soon learned that my trials were best met by trusting God's will, not petitioning for my own will. By spending each day in His word, in daily prayer, and trusting His will for my life, I was able to meet every challenge by putting God first.  As He promises in His word, “Trust in Him with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in ALL you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

Jesus has changed my life, and today I am so happy celebrate His saving grace with everyone, as I run to the Father, and fall into His grace. 

Scott Hoffman

Several months ago I was diagnosed with blood cancer or multiple myeloma. While lying there in that hospital bed in the cancer ward, it gave me some time to think. There is nothing like a major health crisis to make you think about your health and your future. 

Thirty years ago I received Christ as Savior after a co-worker explained what it means to have a relationship with Christ.  I asked Jesus to be my Savior right there on the work floor, and it shook me to my core. But I was never baptized as a new believer.

As time went along, I wanted to get closer to the Lord, not just to give Him praise but to worship and honor Him in ways I cannot even comprehend right now.

While I have a long road ahead in my cancer journey, I can say unequivocally that the Lord has healed me spiritually and strengthened me beyond words. While baptism isn't magical, it is an outward sign of my growing faith in the Lord that I am taking this step of obedience to be baptized.

I want to reach a point in my walk with the Lord that every cell in my body screams in praise for the Lord. I'm not there yet. With your prayers and love I will reach this goal some day.

Now I look forward to being baptized and be strengthened in His love forever.

Baptism June 7 2020

Click HERE to watch the video of Hannah's testimony and baptism.

Hannah Keller

I began coming to LEFC about 3 years ago when I started dating my boyfriend, who is now my husband. He has been attending the church for many years and invited me to go along with him when we started dating and I have been going ever since then. My husband is also the reason that I came to Christ. While we were dating, he asked me if I was a Christian. My response was ‘yes’ but little did I know, there was a much bigger meaning to it than what I had thought. He asked me if I ever confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I was slightly confused about what he meant. He explained everything to me and encouraged me to give my life to Him. After a couple months of thinking about what he told me and after asking a few questions, I gave my life to Christ. Ever since then, I have seen Jesus work in my life in countless ways. If I have any worries or concerns in my life, I pray to Him.

My favorite verse is Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done”. I have learned so many wonderful things about God along the way so far and I know there is still so much to learn.

Today I have the honor to be baptized and I am so excited to continue my faith journey.
