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Daniel Spangler

technical arts supervisor


Family: Married to Hannah

Educational Background/alma mater: Bachelor of Arts in Audio Production from Cornerstone University

Previous Places of Work: Magnify Church - Tech Director

One thing that fascinates me: The history of art in public worship spaces.


  • Food: Jet's Pizza
  • Beverage: Sparkling White Birch Beer
  • Restaurant in Lancaster County: Shady Maple
  • Books: Wheel of Time series
  • TV Show: The Grand Tour
  • Worship song/hymn: Faithful Now
  • Place for Day of Prayer, or favorite place to pray: Under the stars
  • Season of the year: Fall
  • Hobby, recreational activity, or sport to play: 3D printing
  • Family tradition: Christmas Day Brunch


  • Food: Broccoli


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: A pianist

One of my greatest experiences with God:
Sitting under the stars in Bedford, listening to and reading God's word.

How does God speak to you?: Through service to His people and revelations in His word.

Name a bucket list item you would like to accomplish before you die: Stand in Blackbird Studios in Nashville

Emma Smith


Oversees Hospitality Ministry (Welcome Team, Ushers, Cafe)


Family: Married to Stephon, mom to Theodora Jean.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies

Previous Lines of Work: Sight & Sound Theatres, Piercing Word


  • Snack Food/Candy: Chocolate Chip Cookies?
  • Beverage: Black Coffee brewed from freshly ground beans, medium-medium dark roast.
  • Restaurant in Lancaster County: Issei Noodle
  • Coffee shop: Passenger is the correct answer.
  • Books: (Fiction) To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, (Non-Fiction) The Hiding Place, Unbroken
  • Quote: "The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a mystery to experience." -Frank Herbert, Dune
  • Movies: (Pre-1995) Roman Holiday, The Shop Around the Corner (Post-1955) Interstellar, Forrest Gump
  • Place to pray: The highest point of the trail I run, overlooking God's creation.
  • Hobby: Trail running - I dream of running an ultramarathon someday.
  • Place in the world: Inchydoney Beach in Cork, Ireland

LEAST FAVORITE (keepin' it innocuous):

  • Food: Sausage
  • Season: Summer (too hot!)


Best thing someone said to you: "I do." 5/13/2018

Most people don't know this about me: I also have a Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre, wherein I focused mostly on Golden Age Theatre and replicated works performed by Judy Garland.

Enneagram Personality Type as expressed by: Judy Garland (Enneagram Type 4)

How does God speak to you?: God speaks to me through the senses - the sight of my daughter's smiling face, the sound of my husband's voice, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee, the taste of a home-cooked meal, hugging someone I love... All blessings of which I am undeserving, but God is gracious to give.

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