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Danielle Wittmaier

Executive administrator


Family: Married to Dan with our two daughters, Amelia and Penelope

Previous Places of Work: Chroma, Inc. (Artists' Paint Manufacturer), Boscov's


  • Books: Karen Kingsbury’s Redemption Series, Firstborn Series, and Sunrise Series
  • Food: Mediterranean, Italian, Mexican, chili, perogies, anything savory and full of flavor
  • Snack Foods: Cashews, milk chocolate with caramel in it, potato chips
  • Movie: Pretty Woman, War Room
  • TV Show: This is Us, Ken Burns Documentaries
  • Time of day: Late morning and just before bedtime
  • Season: Early Fall
  • Recreational Activities/Hobbies: Vegetable gardening, singing, spending the day with my family, couponing and deal-hunting, and car shows.
  • Sports: I like to watch football and baseball
  • Sports Teams: Pittsburgh Steelers
  • Place to pray: With my husband and children at night 


  • Food: Steak, mushrooms
  • Snack Food: Dark chocolate
  • Time of day: Early morning 


One of the things I find most fascinating: I am a generally curious person, so I like learning about various topics, how things are made and work, and I enjoy people watching. 

Best thing someone said to you:
I love you

My Hero: My husband, Dan

One of my greatest experiences with God: Having an overwhelming assurance and peace that He was carrying me through a difficult circumstance 

Most people don’t know this about me: My husband proposed to me in the garage under the hood of his '71 Chevelle and it was just perfect.

Tags: danielle

Ann Unruh

hospitality coordinator

Oversees Hospitality Ministry (Welcome Team, Ushers, Cafe) at LEFC and serves as Administrator for Witness Park Cemetery.


Family: Married to Carl. We have two married children and seven grandchildren.

Previous lines of work: Various administrative positions and then 20 years partnering with Carl in his real estate business. 


  • Food: Crème Brûlée is a special occasional treat
  • Movie: I love true stories of people who persevered through various trials, especially when faith in Jesus is what got them through.
  • Time of day: Morning
  • Season: SUMMER!
  • Place in the world:  A sunny tropical beach with white sand and blue, blue water
  • Recreational Activities/Hobbies:  Fitness, music, gardening, reading, and spending time with family. I also enjoy listening to various podcasts and watching good clean stand-up comedy.


One of the things I find most fascinating: 
The Ocean! So much about it reminds me of God... immeasurable, powerful, beautiful, ferocious, peaceful, overwhelming, faithful. It’s my favorite place to read, walk, rest.

If I could do anything for a day:
Walk on the beach, sit and read by the ocean, swim in the ocean and then finish the day with a good meal on the deck of a fun ocean-front restaurant with my husband Carl. [sigh] 

Most people don’t know this about me:  My little sister died when she was just 18 months old. I'm getting closer to meeting her again and spending lots of time with her. ;-)

Posted by LEFC Webmaster with
Tags: ann, unruh

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