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Community is essential to the life of a believer. It’s an easy buzzword to use but it’s often not lived out. True community is more than hanging out with other Christians that you like. Community is safe, uncomfortable, authentic, vulnerable, and not self-focused. The “one another’s” in Scripture give us a blueprint of how we can pursue deep, Christ-focused community with our brothers and sisters
There are certain words of wisdom that stay with you for a lifetime that create plumb lines you live by. Proverbs is filled with such statements. Each speaker will be speaking out of a text in Proverbs that has guided them in life. Wisdom that can show you the way when all else seems unclear.
James does not beat around the bush. He speaks right into the various challenges to us growing in our faith. James truly gives it to us straight in a manner that helps us self-reflect and then act.
A series discussing the missional distinctives of our church.
The mission of LEFC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this by sharing Christ in our relational worlds and pouring into the lives of others. We seek to be people who LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE, LIVE TRUTH and PROCLAIM JESUS.
Behold! The angels tell us to stop and more than just take a look at the marvelous birth of the Christ child, but to take the time to gaze and study this incredible moment of our redemption story. So, we are going to “behold” some key truths that make this story worth celebrating.
Jesus was asked by his disciples when will he return and what will be the signs of the end. Jesus’ answer speaks to living a life of expectancy and purpose that creates joy and hope as opposed to panic and fear.
How can we truly know who God is and who we are if there was no law given from God to define morality. The 10 Commandments give us a timeless framework by which we can know the holiness of God and to know our need for his help in living to please him.