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Current Series

The One Anothers

Community is essential to the life of a believer. It’s an easy buzzword to use but it’s often not lived out. True community is more than hanging out with other Christians that you like. Community is safe, uncomfortable, authentic, vulnerable, and not self-focused. The “one another’s” in Scripture give us a blueprint of how we can pursue deep, Christ-focused community with our brothers and sisters

Hitting the Mark

Following Jesus... Making simple what others might complicate. What does it mean to be a disciple maker?

The Way
Journey to the ends of the earth

“When Luke wrote the book of Acts, he was writing the accounts in the early church of how God was and is going to change the world. This story remains relevant to our lives as we are given message of THE WAY to find true hope and THE WAY of how to continue the work of bringing that message to a very needy world.”
