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Current Series

The One Anothers

Community is essential to the life of a believer. It’s an easy buzzword to use but it’s often not lived out. True community is more than hanging out with other Christians that you like. Community is safe, uncomfortable, authentic, vulnerable, and not self-focused. The “one another’s” in Scripture give us a blueprint of how we can pursue deep, Christ-focused community with our brothers and sisters

Encounter Jesus

John had a three years of observing Jesus and watching each human encounter with him reveal all the more who Jesus is.  Each person needs an encounter with Jesus, and it is our prayer that you will encounter Jesus anew in the weeks ahead.

Heart to Heart with God - Meditations on the Psalms

The Book of Psalms is truly an open diary between the psalmist and God.  True confessions, raw, emotions, transparent thoughts lead to renewed clarity of seeking God’s heart on the matter.  Let these Psalms be an inspiration to get real with God in a time when when much is burdening our hearts.  

Rock of Ages

In light of the shifting shadows of thought within our culture, it is the longing of many to find something to cling to that does not move.  Jesus is that steadfast rock that we can stand on historically, now, and for the ages to come.  These two epistles are Peter’s final charge to the church to give strength and confidence that is rooted in the life changing work of Jesus Christ.

Looking Forward
This is meant to be four weeks in preparing for a big change with the new building, but doing so with vision in mind.  "Creating Space. Expecting Harvest.” has been a great tagline for the project, and we have been living the “Creating Space” part over the past year.  These four sermons are meant to calibrate our hearts, our eyes, and our minds upon the vision of “Expecting Harvest.” 
How do we prepare for it?  What does it mean?  What is my role?
Thriving in Babylon

Many in America feel that our culture is so pagan there is no hope and consequently live a defeated life or a life of fear.  Daniel lived in an increasingly pagan culture yet thrived in his faith—even impacting the entire kingdom.  This series will look at how Daniel thrived in his walk with God when few others dared.


So many people are relationally or emotionally broken. Depression, anxiety, isolation, or tension become the the norm and it wreaks havoc with relationships, health, and even with faith.  This series will be addressing these issues and will help lay stronger foundations in understanding God more fully in these issues, so that we can be on a path towards healing or help others towards a path of healing of emotional and relational brokenness.    

Jesus - Life Re-Imagined

Life gives us so many unexpected challenges. This series is taking a look at Jesus' life and taking notes for how to live and navigate life as he has best designed!

Prayer - Knowing and Experiencing God

The vision for this series is to understand God's heart for us in a way to know why he would want us to pray to him.

Through engaging this question, by the end of this series each of us can continue to be liberated from all the apprehension that we might feel in engaging God

Each week we will be addressing the many questions and many facets when it comes to understanding who God is and therefore understanding how we can approach him in prayer