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Julie Zook

CURRICULUM Coordinator

Desiring to equip, energize, and encourage my shepherds in the two year olds through kindergarten classes to share their lives and love of Jesus with their students.


Family: Married to Kevin. We have a married daughter and son-in-law, Mike and Kaity Sollenberger.

Previous Places of work: Fifth grade teacher in Manheim Central School District, Manager/Owner of a women's specialty clothing store.


  • Books: The Bible, any faith-based novel, Grace: The Power to Change by Dr. James Richards, Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby and Claude King and The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
  • Food: Lasagna or anything Italian, a good cheeseburger, filet, or seafood
  • Snack Food: Chips, ice cream, and pretzels. Cheese curls are pretty good, too!
  • Movie: The Sound of Music, White Christmas
  • TV Show: Castle, The Mentalist, NCIS
  • Time of day: Evening
  • Season: I love them all for different reasons. I wouldn't want to give up any of them.
  • Sports: Football, tennis, gymnastics, ice skating
  • Place to pray: Under a grove of trees in our yard


  • Food: Liver and onions
  • Snacks: Corn chips
  • Time of day: Before 6:00 am


One of things I find most fascinating: How skyscrapers are designed and built. How do they remember every outlet and light switch? Amazing, too!

Best thing someone said to you:
 When my husband finally, and I mean finally, said "I love you."

Three people I’d like to meet: Billy Graham, Beth Moore, Esther from the Bible.

My Hero: My mother. She is so loving, giving, and caring.

One of my greatest experiences with God: Experiencing an overwhelming peace and calm when Kevin and I were in the hospital with life changing medical situations.

Most people don’t know this about me: I used to be a good runner. In 6th grade, my relay team placed in the county track meet.

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Jeff Travis

Connections pastor

Passionate about connecting people to the community found in the body of Christ!


Family: Married to Teagan, dad to Cecilia and Ellie.

Previous Places of Work:
Chelten Baptist Church, Apex Community Church, Chick-fil-A

Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry and Christian Education from Cedarville University


  • Food: Any and all seafood, but especially crab.
  • Restaurant: The Carnivore (only has locations in Africa)
  • Coffee Shop: Dosie Dough
  • Books: Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozer, Spiritual Leadership by J Oswald Sanders
  • Books of the Bible: Esther, Hosea, and 1 Timothy
  • Movies: Get Smart, Invincible
  • TV Shows: Parks and Rec, The Office, Chuck, Arrested Development
  • Place to Take a Day of Prayer: In my hammock
  • Hobby: Disc golf
  • Sports Teams: All Philly teams and Penn State! And anyone playing against New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Washington, and especially the Cowboys.


  • Food: Olives and candy corn
  • Season: winter


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: A chicken killer. Not even sure how I came up with that but that’s what my parent’s claim I told them I wanted to be.

One of my greatest experiences with God: On a porch swing each morning working at a camp during college. The quiet stillness with God was so necessary to sustain me through crazy days!

Myers Briggs Personality Type as expressed by a movie character: Dominic Toretto from Fast and Furious

Something most people don’t know about me: I have two webbed toes on each foot and no they don’t help me swim faster.

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