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Erin Martin

Nursery Coordinator

As the Nursery Coordinator, it is my joy and privilege to work alongside our amazing Shepherds as we love and care for the infants and toddlers as well as to partner with families as we care for their children.


Family: Married to Scott and mom to 4 kids, Landon, Liam, Leah & Lakelyn. 

Education: Nursing degree from Lancaster General College of Health Sciences.

Previous Places of Work: Brethren Village Home Care and Stay-at-Home mom.


  • Books: Anything by Francine Rivers
  • Beverage: Coffee & Dandy Blend
  • Food: Salads and fresh fruit
  • Coffee Shop: New Holland Coffee Company
  • Book of the Bible: Ephesians & James
  • Podcast or streaming content: Minimalist Moms & Plant Strong
  • Worship song/hymn: Echo Holy by Red Rocks Worship
  • Season of the year: Fall
  • Place in the world: Wherever my family is


  • Food: Anything super hot and spicy
  • Time of day: Bedtime, trying to get the kids to actually go to bed
  • Season: Winter


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Nurse

One of my greatest experiences with God was on a mission trip to Mexico... Seeing hearts and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel.

How does God speak to you? Through worship music and the quiet moments with God early in the morning.

If I could do anything for a day, I would: Go hiking, read, and take a nap, then go shopping and out for dinner at a great outdoor restaurant.

Daniel Spangler

technical arts supervisor


Family: Married to Hannah

Educational Background/alma mater: Bachelor of Arts in Audio Production from Cornerstone University

Previous Places of Work: Magnify Church - Tech Director

One thing that fascinates me: The history of art in public worship spaces.


  • Food: Jet's Pizza
  • Beverage: Sparkling White Birch Beer
  • Restaurant in Lancaster County: Shady Maple
  • Books: Wheel of Time series
  • TV Show: The Grand Tour
  • Worship song/hymn: Faithful Now
  • Place for Day of Prayer, or favorite place to pray: Under the stars
  • Season of the year: Fall
  • Hobby, recreational activity, or sport to play: 3D printing
  • Family tradition: Christmas Day Brunch


  • Food: Broccoli


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: A pianist

One of my greatest experiences with God:
Sitting under the stars in Bedford, listening to and reading God's word.

How does God speak to you?: Through service to His people and revelations in His word.

Name a bucket list item you would like to accomplish before you die: Stand in Blackbird Studios in Nashville

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