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Joy Desiato



Family:  Married to Nick with four children: Silas, Asher, Eden and Charis.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Social Work and Bachelor of Science in Bible from Cairn University

Previous Places of Work: Social Worker/Case Manager for Alphacare in Philadelphia, PA

One thing that I find fascinating: God's ability to listen to and attend to the prayers of thousands (millions?) at the same time. I can't even listen to two of my kids at the same time!


  • Food(s):  Pizza and cake. (Basically, I'm in my glory at an 8-year-old's birthday party!)
  • Beverage: Black coffee
  • Books: Fiction: At the Scent of Water by Linda Nichols; Biography: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas; Non-Fiction: Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn.
  • Children's Books: Puff, Puff, Chugga, Chugga by Christopher Wormell
  • Book of the Bible: Habakkuk is such a clear example of trusting in God's sovereignty and praising Him even when we don't understand what He's doing.
  • Quote: "Abundance isn't God's provision for me to live in luxury, it's His provision for me to help others live. God entrusts me with his money not to build my kingdom on earth, but to build his kingdom in heaven."- Randy Alcorn
  • TV Show: Most British Crime Dramas: Vera, Shetland, Line of Duty, Unforgotten.....I could go on!
  • Time of day: Very early morning or the gloaming
  • Season: Whichever one we're in!
  • Hobbies: Reading!
  • Family Tradition: Planting Jelly beans on Easter Eve to wake up and find they've sprouted into lollipop flowers overnight. It only works on Easter Eve!


Best thing someone said about me:  From 5-year-old son when I was about two decades removed from teenagerdom: "Mom, are you a grown-up or a teenager! You're a mom so you must be grown-up, but you look like a teenager!

What makes me laugh: It's a "who" not a "what": my husband Nick

Three people I'd like to meet:
Corrie Ten Boom, Randy Alcorn and my great-great-great grandmom to find out what life was like for her and to see the roots of our family's legacy of faith.

How does God speak to me: Persistently! (I don't always obey immediately.)

If I could do anything for a day: Read, drink coffee and snuggle my family

Bucket List Item: Visiting all 50 states and exploring the hidden gems that residents enjoy in each one.

Janet Travis


Welcomes all who enter and call the church office with a smile, coordinates facility rentals, and assists in administrative tasks.


Family: Married to Bob with three grown-up sons, three delightful daughters-in-law, and two treasured grandgirls (so far)

Previous places of 
work: Systems Analyst for Jefferson Hospital's Information Systems Department, Volunteer Women's Ministry Director at Riverstone Church, and various other seemingly random jobs, including an entirely untrained Dental Assistant.


  • Food: Savory and sweet paired together (as long as the savory isn't peanut butter)
  • Snack Food/Candy: Dark chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate
  • Beverage: Earl Grey Tea
  • Books: The TRUTH Principle by Leslie Vernick, Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd tripp
  • Children's Book: The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss, just because it's fun to read to kids
  • Book of the Bible: Hebrews
  • Word in the English language: "Antidisestablishmentarianism", solely because when I was a kid, my dad told me it was the longest word in the dictionary, which we used to read at dinnertime. Note: it was not actually in the dictionary.
  • Quote: "To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us." Tim Keller
  • Movie: Oddly enough, I watch them and forget them.
  • Podcast or Streaming Content: Gospel in Life
  • Worship Song: In Christ Alone
  • Season: Spring
  • Family Tradition: Christmas stocking for Jesus
  • Place in the world: Wherever home is


  • Food: Liver and lima beans - Ewww


Best thing someone said to you: "I still want to marry you", said by my fiance after I revealed the depth of my brokenness to him.

What makes you laugh? Shrek (one movie I remember!)

One thing that fascinates me: How God wakes up his world in springtime.

One of my greatest experiences with God: Being gradually delivered from an eating disorder

What inspires you? What are you passionate about? Coming alongside other women and together growing in grace

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