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Mikaila Hess


Oversees the nurseries on Sunday mornings, childcare and lesson planning for WBF Kids, and ensure our littlest kiddos are fed spirituality (and physically with cheerios) every time they are here.


Family: Married my husband Rob in October 2020

Education: Graduated New Covenant Christian School in 2018

Previous Places of Work: Barista at Mill 72; Assistant/Receptionist at Keller Brothers Ford


  • Food: Tacos, baked oatmeal, ice cream, steak, fruit, chocolate
  • Beverage: Coffee and smoothies
  • Coffee Shop: Mill 72, Coffee Co, Starbucks
  • Worship Song/Hymn: Come Thou Fount
  • Time of day: During the morning sunrise when its still foggy and crisp
  • Season(s): Spring and Fall
  • Hobby, Recreational Activity or Sport to play: Bake, cook, read, nap, thrift shop, yard sale, and get coffee with friends
  • Place in the world: Camping in the woods/mountains


  • Food: Peas
  • Season: Winter


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: NICU nurse or teacher.

Myers Briggs Personality Type as expressed by: Pam Beesly from "The Office"

Bucket list item you would like to accomplish before you die: Stay at an Elephant Reserve in Africa

Ann Unruh

hospitality coordinator

Oversees Hospitality Ministry (Welcome Team, Ushers, Cafe) at LEFC and serves as Administrator for Witness Park Cemetery.


Family: Married to Carl. We have two married children and seven grandchildren.

Previous lines of work: Various administrative positions and then 20 years partnering with Carl in his real estate business. 


  • Food: Crème Brûlée is a special occasional treat
  • Movie: I love true stories of people who persevered through various trials, especially when faith in Jesus is what got them through.
  • Time of day: Morning
  • Season: SUMMER!
  • Place in the world:  A sunny tropical beach with white sand and blue, blue water
  • Recreational Activities/Hobbies:  Fitness, music, gardening, reading, and spending time with family. I also enjoy listening to various podcasts and watching good clean stand-up comedy.


One of the things I find most fascinating: 
The Ocean! So much about it reminds me of God... immeasurable, powerful, beautiful, ferocious, peaceful, overwhelming, faithful. It’s my favorite place to read, walk, rest.

If I could do anything for a day:
Walk on the beach, sit and read by the ocean, swim in the ocean and then finish the day with a good meal on the deck of a fun ocean-front restaurant with my husband Carl. [sigh] 

Most people don’t know this about me:  My little sister died when she was just 18 months old. I'm getting closer to meeting her again and spending lots of time with her. ;-)

Posted by LEFC Webmaster with
Tags: ann, unruh

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