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Tonya Eberly

Administrative assistant for student ministries

Slayer of dragons and bad attitudes for all Crossover activities. The critical administrative cog in the happy chaos of Crossover Student Ministries.


Family: Married to Fred with our three children: Alyssa, Dylan and Brianne

Previous lines/places of work: MRI Group, Stay at Home Mom for 14 wonderful years

One of the things I find most fascinating: My husband


Food: All things chocolate
Beverage: Coffee
Snack Foods: Chocolate, potato chips
Time of day: Bedtime
TV Show: Any football game
Season: Fall
Place to the world: Beach
Sports Team: Philadelphia Eagles
Sports: Football

Recreational activities/hobbies:
 I love hanging out with my husband. Our time together is always fun.

Book of the Bible: Proverbs

Myers Briggs Personality Type as expressed by a Star Wars character: C-3PO

If I could do anything for a day I would: Go to the beach

Most people don't know about me: I'm a true introvert. I have some extrovert tendencies, which is a result of being married to Fred for so many years, but I am more introvert than extrovert.

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Matt Sowada

Pastor of adult ministries


Family: Married to Robyn with our son Caden and daughter Blakely

Education: Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from James Madison University; Masters in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary

Previous Places of Work: Youth Pastor at Peninsula Community Chapel in Yorktown, VA; Youth Pastor at Denton Bible Church in Denton, TX. 


  • Books: The Lord of the Rings, Counterfeit Gods, The Gospel Primer.
  • Food: Anything grilled
  • Restaurant: Chick-fil-A
  • Beverage: Coca-Cola Classic (and definitely NOT coffee)
  • Restaurant in Lancaster County: Aside from Chick-fil-A, I enjoy a good omelet at the Family Cupboard or a burger at Hunger-N-Thirst 
  • Place for Day of Prayer: The library at Lancaster Bible College in the morning, Chick-fil-A for lunch, and then somewhere outside in the afternoon.
  • Sports Team: Washington Commanders


Best thing someone said to you: Yes, in answer to "Will you marry me?"

Three people I’d like to meet: Jonah, Art Monk, Billy Graham

One of my greatest experiences with God: Baptizing my son 

Most people don’t know this about me: I played club water polo at James Madison University. 

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